10 Simple Product Ideas that Made their Creators Millionaires
News Source:brainberries.co
We’ve all woken up in the middle of the night with an application or product idea that we were sure would make us millionaires. The difference between us and the people whose products made it into this article is that we either a) forgot to write them down or b) didn’t take the time to develop them into full businesses. These brilliant (and sometimes incredibly stupid) products made millions.
Read about the 10 simple product ideas that made their creators into millionaires!
Aerobics and dance lessons aren’t anything new. There was a whole aerobics craze in the 80s. There was Taibo, which mixed martial arts with aerobic exercises. Neither of these reached the soaring heights of popularity that Zumba was able to reach. Zumba is an exercise program that combines Colombian dancing with aerobics. It was created in the 90s by Alberto Pérez, and has since become an international best-selling aerobic program that turned Alberto into a millionaire!
AirBNB and Uber
The idea of websites that allow people to rent out their homes isn’t new. The idea of hailing cabs with the help of a phone isn’t new either. But if you make those into an app and then invest a lot of money into marketing… Well, then you can join the millionaire club with your amazing new product! Both AirBNB and Uber have taken the world by storm, and it’s now uncommon to be visiting a country where you can’t hail an Uber from the airport to transport you to your AirBNB flat.