Andrew Rae has done a lot of things throughout his career. He did drawings, animations, illustrations, sculptures, exhibitions and music. Today we’d like to zoom in on his brilliantly creative project called ‘phone buddies’. Andrew lives in London and he likes to go on walks in his neighborhood called Hampstead Heath. He started noticing that people are so engrossed in their phones that they almost bump into you on the street because they don’t know where they’re going. They pay so much attention to their phones that the outside world becomes almost secondary to them in terms of importance. Some people just stop in the middle of the street to check the phone, others scroll through it while having lunch, and some manage to even combine walking their dog with being on their phone. So what Andrew decided to do is collaborate with a street photographer, take some pics of people being on their phones in the city and then he drew little monsters around them. The idea is that their phone is a little pet monster that they’re communicating with. Here’s how that little project turned out.
1. This guy is enveloped by his octopus phone buddy. There’s no chance of getting out of those tentacles, you just give up and enjoy the weird little hug around your head.