Source: zestradar.com
Disney’s entire business model seems to revolve around sequels and remakes these days. And look, I don’t blame them. If the movies are bringing in the big bucks, why not go the easy way? Who would take a huge gamble and risk losing a lot of money? I mean a company as rich as Disney could definitely afford a little experimentation. And it would really please audiences who are absolutely sick of the remakes.
But despite all that, here are 10 movies that Disney should remake!
I have many fond memories of watching Hercules as a kid. Now, as an adult, I see that that movie is kinda a huge mess. I mean, the art styles are all whacky, the story is a weird mix of genres, the colors are way way too bright (even for Golden Era Disney). It seems like the creators of that movie put in every single thing they could to ensure that Hercules was going to be a hit. It kinda worked at the time, but looking back — we deserve a better version of Hercules.

Treasure Planet
I was crazy about this movie. It’s probably my favorite Disney cartoon of all time. As a matter of fact, it is because Hercules was such a huge hit that the creators of Treasure Planet got to make their movie. This movie was in the works for nearly a decade before Disney gave it the green light. However, Disney really didn’t put much money into this film’s marketing, so it didn’t strike box office gold the way Hercules did. And so, I think it’s about time for Disney to remake this movie and dazzle audiences with pirates that are in space.

Robin Hood
There have been so many remakes of Robin Hood over the years, but only one, single cartoons from Disney. Seems to me like that’s a great reason for them to revisit this character again.

Peter Pan
Okay, we did have a very bad Peter Pan movie that came out a few years ago. You probably don’t remember it (because it sucks), but it was there. The whole movie went off the rails because of production problems, so I think it’s time for Disney to give it another chance and try to make another live-action remake of the amazing cartoon.

Mickey Mouse
Here’s the thing — Mickey Mouse is the pinnacle of Disney intellectual property, and yet there hasn’t been a proper Mickey Mouse cartoon or movie in a really long time. What gives? How come? I think it’s time for Disney to consider a Mickey Mouse remake.

Emperor’s New Groove
Look, this cartoon was hilarious. There were so many quotable moments. If you could remake the movie now, for a slightly older audience, it would absolutely be a box office hit. So, why doesn’t Disney remake it?

Nightmare Before Christmas
This movie is at once a Halloween and Christmas classic. And since Disney loves remakes and also loves making movies to coincide with holidays, I think it would be a great idea to revisit old Jack and give us a remake of Nightmare Before Christmas. When this movie originally came out, it had a very unique style for a Disney movie, and I think with the advancements in technology Disney could easily dazzle us with a whole new way of showing us this story. How about a Nightmare Before Christmas, but in VR?!

All I have to say about this idea is that the movie version of the Cats musical has already gone viral and become a meme. The anthropomorphic cats landed square in the uncanny valley, and it seems like this was very much by design. So, since Disney has very few of their own original ideas, maybe they could ride this wave of anthropomorphic cats with their own remake of Aristocats?

Chicken Little
My pitch for this movie is really straightforward (and super topical): Chicken Little, but instead of the sky falling we have the world burning. The whole movie would be about how brave it would be to go vegan and stop using plastic and fossil fuels to save the world from an impending climate catastrophe.

Lilo & Stitch
I’m not encouraging you to google what Lilo & Stitch would look like if they made a live-action or 3D animation version of it, but those images are out there and they look awesome. They’re weird, they’re kinda scary, but I think a live-action version of Lilo & Stitch would be the best thing Disney could possibly do.