The quest to lose the extra weight seems to be never-ending, even in the year of our lord 2020. Even though we all know that you don’t have to be size zero to be healthy and strong, and the body positive movement is stronger than ever, we still see people looking for quick fixes and diets that will “melt their belly fat”. There are countless diet studies and even more specific diets out there. The amount of books on diets is literally insane. But if we’re being honest, there are only a few things you should really pay attention to no matter how complicated various diet books will make it seem. So here are some life tips about losing weight that the diet books won’t teach you.
1. You Can’t Out-Exercise A Bad Diet
You might think that running a mile every day or doing a whole bunch of squats and pushups is the way to lose weight, but if you’re still eating bad food and way too much of it – you won’t see a result. You aren’t very likely to burn more than 300 calories in an exercise session, and even for that, you’d have to work hard. And if you eat a burger or a chocolate bar afterwards, you’ve basically negated all the huffing and puffing you’ve done during your workout. Exercise is only a tiny part of your healthy journey, and it should be more about making you stronger. Losing weight is 90% all about diet.

2. You Need To Eat Enough Fat
Too many people in this world are under the impression that to lose fat you have to stop eating fat, and that’s just simply not true. You need good fats in your diet in order to lose fat. Fats keep you full for longer, they’re essential for your health and that’s what keeps your skin, hair and nails looking good, not to mention they’re delicious. But you’ve got to make sure you’re picking the right fats. So say yes to avocado, coconut oil olive oil, nuts and seeds, and definitely say no to greasy fried foods and all sorts of processed fatty foods.
3. There Is No One Way To Lose Weight
It’s generally accepted that slow and steady weight loss is better for you overall, but there’s also many cases where people lost a significant amount of weight in a relatively short period (a couple of months) and that pushed them to keep it off and motivated them to lose more and stay on the right track. It’s honestly all down the kind of person you are, what works for you and what’s your reasoning for losing weight.

4. You Need Enough Sleep
You might think that the more and the harder you work – the more weight you’ll lose, but there is such a thing as working too hard. You need to allow your body to rest in order to lose weight. A lot of studies show that not getting enough sleep can actually cause weight gain, so make sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. It’s the only way your body will be able to relax and let go of that extra weight.

5. You Can Have Chocolate And Lose Weight
It’s true that diet is important, and you should limit junk foods and sweet treats, but the good thing is you don’t have to say goodbye to chocolate. You can still have chocolate every day and lose weight. Cocoa is actually good for you and the antioxidants in it make you happy, less stressed and more satisfied. The key is to buy chocolate that’s high in cocoa and low in sugar.

6. Not All Alcohol Is Bad
Studies show that you can have a glass of red wine every day and still keep losing weight, in fact, it might help you lose weight. Antioxidants found in red wine are apparently good for fat loss, and in general, a glass of red wine is actually good for your health. Not to mention that a glass of red wine is a great way to treat yourself and keep yourself sane on stressful days when all you want to do is eat everything.