We all need self-care and it doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s not true that self-care means the same thing for everyone, we’re all different people and there are as many ways to practice self-care as there are people in this world. So whether you’re unemployed at the moment, or you’re on a tight budget — here are some cheap and even free self-care ideas for you.
1. Get Some Movement Every Day
Exercise doesn’t have to mean a gym membership, a yoga class, or a super expensive soul cycle session. As long as you get your heart rate up — it counts as exercise. There are plenty of free workouts online that you can follow and most of them don’t require any additional equipment. If at-home workouts aren’t your cup of tea — go outside, do a bit of running or even a brisk walk can help you get those happy hormones and lower your stress levels.

2. Calm Down Your Mind
One of the best things you can do for yourself in terms of self-care is to learn how to calm down your mind. A lot of us struggle with overthinking, constant worrying, intrusive thoughts and insomnia. And the best way to deal with that is to learn how to meditate. You don’t have to master that skill in a day, it’ll take a while, use breathing techniques and guided meditations, but once you learn how to calm down your mind — you’ll thank yourself for giving meditation a chance.

3. Get Some Greenery
Being a plant mom or a plant dad is super on-trend now, but you don’t have to start a jungle at home. Just get one plant that’s easy to take care of. Think succulent, or some sort of leafy evergreen. You’ll be surprised how therapeutic taking care of a plant can be. And it’s way cheaper than getting a cat, a dog, or even a hamster.

4. Listen To Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to relax, laugh, or learn something new. There are so many podcasts out there, that no matter what your area of interest is, we’re pretty sure there’s a podcast for you. Educational podcasts are a great low effort way of self-improvement if that’s what you’re into. There are also crime and murder mystery podcasts for those who are into that. But don’t forget to also subscribe to the ones that make you laugh, that’s important too.

5. Keep Your Home Clean
It might sound like more of a chore than self-care, but hear me out. Keeping your home clean, fresh and tidy can be super beneficial for your mental state. Whether you’re trying to get some work done, or attempting to meditate or do a workout, it’ll all feel easier and nicer when you’re surrounded by clean things. A tidy house pretty much equals a calm mind.

6. Create A Budget For Yourself
Lots of people constantly worry about money and that’s a level of stress no one needs. Just create a budget for yourself and stick to it. This way you’ll know exactly how much money you have left, and what it’s going to be spent on. You will no longer have to make financial decisions on the spot and you have no idea how much it’ll simplify your day to day life.

7. Look Up Cheap Recipes
The amount of free yet delicious recipes online is crazy. People really are just sharing them for nothing. There are even websites where you can search for recipes by ingredients. It’s a great way to save some money and use up all the foods that have been chilling at the back of your pantry. You can also stock up on cheap foods and learn to experiment in the kitchen. For example, pasta can be made very versatile by just adding different things to it. Potatoes can be boiled, fried, baked, made into mash or hashbrowns. These things are cheap AF and cooking is definitely a form of self-care.

8. Make A Schedule For Yourself
When you’re spending a lot of time indoors, time can feel very strange. Hours can pass like minutes and days of the week blend together. A great way to fix that is to create a schedule for yourself so that you get stuff done and also don’t go crazy. Establish a decent bedtime and a wake-up time. You don’t have to be up at 6 am, but perhaps at least at 10? And try to go to bed before midnight. Choose a day to do laundry and a day to clean your bathroom, and of course dedicate days for rest too.
9. Celebrate The Small Victories
It’s the small things that matter in life, and there’s already too much criticism that we face every day. So be radical and choose to celebrate the small victories in life. Perhaps yesterday you woke up and actually got dressed in real clothes! That’s great! Give yourself a pat on the shoulder. Today you actually cooked a hot meal and did some work — that’s cause for celebration!