Twins have always been a mystical phenomenon. People thought that identical twins have strange powers, and, frankly, maybe they do! How else would you explain that so many of them have lived for over 100 years?
Let’s see who were the oldest recorded twin siblings in the world.
1. Kin Narita and Gin Kanie
Born on August 1, 1892, a couple of sisters affectionately nicknamed Kinsan and Ginsan (Kin and Gin, meaning gold and silver) lived through many tumultuous events of the 20th century. However, in January of 2000, Kin had a heart attack and died at the age of 107. One year later, at the age of 108, Gin joined her sister in the afterlife. But they didn’t go to the next world without leaving a few kids behind. At the time of Kin’s death, the twins combined had 6 children, 11 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. That is a mighty legacy, considering that their kids also show the signs of longevity.

2. Glen and Dale Moyer
Glen and Dale Moyer were the first living twins who got recognized by the Guinness Book of Records. Born on June 20, 1895, in Ohio, Glen Moyer grew up to be a teacher and school principal, while Dale decided to take up farming instead. Glen passed away in 2001 at a nursing home at the age of 105. However, it is unclear what happened to Dale. The brothers lived most of their life far apart but were spiritually close all the time.

3. Francesco and Luisa Pace
Born on July 12, 1914, in Matera, Italy, Francesco and Luisa Pace have celebrated their 100th birthday in 2014 with friends and family. Starting from the very first years of their life, when World War I was looming and then, a few years later, with WWII, they have been inseparable. After the combined 200 years, they had three children, ten grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren. Many of whom were at the “Big 100” party. In one of the very scarce articles, the twins were asked about the secret of longevity. The answer was “the vegetarian diet,” to which they’d been keeping for the last 30 years. Unfortunately, sometimes Google doesn’t have all the answers, so we don’t know if Francesco and Luisa are still alive, but if they are, they’d be celebrating their 107th birthday in 2021!

4. Marian Warner and Nora Langton
Our next set of siblings comes from the United Kingdom and could probably be the oldest living twins in the world right now. The last time the world heard from Marian and Nora was in 2017, and back then, they were 105. Assuming they are still swinging and hopping, these sisters are now 108 and have lived amazing and wonderful lives. Marian taught kids at school for most of her life, while Nora helped the unemployed and homeless. That’s what a social worker does, right? Either way, they’re living happily in different nursing homes and probably don’t even care that Covid-19 is walking the Earth.

5. Pieter and Paulus Langerock
Two classy gentlemen, Pieter and Paulus, were born into this world on July 8, 1913. After a hundred years of living together, the two brothers still remain best friends to this day. That is, of course, if they are still living in that nursing home in Ghent, Belgium. Because on July 8, 2017, the Langerocks celebrated their 104th birthday with a glass of good Bordeaux and some life advice for the young’uns. But after that — radio silence. Oh, and BTW, their advice was to drink wine, don’t chase after women, and eat in moderation.
6. Maria Anunciada Santana and Maria do Carmo Santana
Born on November 1, 1905, both baby Marias had lived a long and fun life. They were considered to be the oldest twins in recorded history, staying up and running till they were 108 and 110 years old, respectively. Back in 2010, their family called the Guinness Book of Records to see if they could register the twins, but that went nowhere due to some clerical error in the documents. In the end, both sisters left their legacy to 62 grandchildren, 70 great-grandchildren, and 11 great-great-grandchildren, which is absolutely bonkers.