Hugs are great, they make you feel good, they are a good way of showing affection, and even for little kids, this is instinctual behaviour. What’s strange, is that when we grow up, hugs become less likely. We lose that ability to just hug people whenever we want to, because of social norms, work environments and just fear of being misunderstood. However, physical touch is as important to adults as it is for kids. In fact, science says you should hug more and here are the reasons why.
1. Hugs Lower Blood Pressure
If your blood pressure is elevated because of stress and stressful situations, hugs can help you deal with it. Studies show that when people received hugs from their loved ones before or after doing a stressful task – their blood pressure would lower. So you know, if you’re having a super stressful day, or if your loved one is, hugging it out might help.
2. Hugging Stimulated Happy Hormones In Your Brain
Hugs increase the levels of oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin in your brain, all of which are considered to be happiness hormones. Oxytocin makes you feel content and relaxed, dopamine is responsible for pleasure and serotonin controls your mood and makes you feel happier.