As weather cools down, dry skin takes over, and combined with radiators turning on and heating up our homes, that skincare routine could definitely need a little something extra. As sweater weather heads our way, let’s take a look at how we can transition with the best dermatologist-vetted tips for flawless fall skin that looks like it was Photoshopped.
1. Add a serum
The key ingredient in your serum should be hyaluronic acid, which is very lightweight but moisturizing. This step would come after a cleanser, and before a heavier moisturizer. You can blend it with other facial oils or serums if you desire, and this will also depend on the climate you live in.

2. Put on body lotion
In the summer, it feels good to just let your skin breathe and be naked. But when that ends and the weather gets colder, your skin might feel itchy and dry, since there’s less moisture in the air. Consider natural moisturizers like jojoba oil or Shea butter, which can add a protective barrier to the skin and keep you glowing year-round.

3. Get a humidifier
Sometimes, expensive skincare products isn’t the only means to a solution. Dry heat is all too common in homes and offices across the world when it’s cold, and it’s not good for your skin’s barrier. A humidifier will help your skin at the moisture it needs, which keeps away peeling, flaking, or cracking. With some, you can even add a delicious smelling essential oil.
4. Use a cleanser with an exfoliator
To get rid of that dry skin, use a cleanser with an exfoliator. Beads can be a little harsh, so you can always go for one with naturally gentle exfoliating enzymes, such as papaya or another kind of fruit. This cleanser and its exfoliating power will get rid of all your sweat, sunscreen, and all the other icky stuff.

5. Go for a thicker moisturizer
Thicker doesn’t necessarily have to be heavier — your skin should still be able to breath and shouldn’t be irritated by an overly suffocating cleanser. Search for ingredients that don’t clog the skin. You can also experiment with different oils if your skin reacts well to it — coconut oil has been used as a skin remedy for a long time.

6. Add lip cream and eye cream
These are the most sensitive parts of our face, and while we forget about them in the summertime, adding them in the fall and winter can help ease the transition that skin goes through as the seasons change. For your lips, something as simple as Vaseline could work.

7. Drink more water
This has nothing to do with your products or skin routine — just the act of drinking more water (or fruits and veggies with a high water content) can help you glow and get rid of the acne, blemishes, and other frustrating issues that can arise from the dehydrating cold weather.

8. Add Vitamin E to your skin routine
Wind, snow, and generally harsher weather during the fall and winter means lots of skin damage. To fight those free radicals and repair skin, infuse it with powerful antioxidant vitamin E. Combine with sunscreen for blemish-free skin.

9. Don’t stop using sunscreen
Just because the warm weather’s gone away doesn’t mean that the sun can’t still cause damage. SPF (a minimum of 50) is necessary in all seasons, although you might want to choose a more lightweight formula since you’ll be layering with more skincare products.

10. Book a facial once in a while
In the summertime, we can get by on that natural dewy look with the sunlit glow behind our face, but in the winter, we might need a little help. Facials allow you to do more of a deep-clean and can also extract all the gunk out of your skin, helping it look more smooth.

11. Say no to hot water
When temperatures drop, hanging out in a hot bath or shower sounds perfectly decadent. But even though they’re relaxing, they’re not good for your skin. In fact, they dry it out even more. This also goes for washing your face — use warm water instead of hot. If you want that cozy feeling, you can heat up a wet towel and wrap it around your face, which will help open up the pores.

12. Stay away from ingredients that strip skin
Seek out formula for sensitive skin — anything with oat or aloe is great. Skin-stripping ingredients include alcohol and fragrance, and they’ll get rid of the natural oils on your face which are actually essential. Other stripping ingredients include parabens and sulfates.