This is a collection of genius life hacks some innovative folks have come up with to take the easy way out in life. Some of the tricks are definitely useful, but the others will have you laughing your socks off.
1. Putting a toilet paper roll under your toilet seat helps your toilet dry faster.

2. A Creative Way To Eat Watermelon

3. A Genius Way To Cook Two Pizzas At Once

4. Pouring salt or hydrogen peroxide down your drain helps break down grease and prevent clogging.

5. If your Post-its always curl up, that's because you've been pulling them off wrong.

6. To soften your frozen butter more quickly, use a cheese grater.

7. If you're still fighting soap scum in your bathtub, just pour some liquid dish soap; they'll help banish the stubborn tub mess effectively.

8. Need a cable holder in a pinch? A Lego Minifigure is just for you.

9. Annoyed by the dust from drilling? Simply stick a bent Post-it underneath.

10. To prevent ice and snow from collecting on your car's side mirrors, slip a few plastic bags over them.

11. Want to watch videos while in bed or washing dishes? Just use a few Command hooks.

12. Want to microwave two bowls of food at once? Use a mug.

13. Always put a crayon in your wallet while traveling alone because it'll burn for up to half an hour and offer an impressive light in an emergency.

14. Don't have a corkscrew handy? Use a screw and a pair of pliers instead.

15. Always losing your keys? Use Lego blocks as key holders.

16. The little pocket in the crotch of your panties means to provide reinforcement, breathability, and moisture-wicking.

17. Want to know how fresh your eggs are? Just use a bowl of water.

18. Want some in-flight entertainment? Mount your phone to the seat-back table using a baggie.

19. Pack your ground beef in thin, flat sheets before freezing it. This way, it'll thaw more quickly when you need it.

20. Don't want to water your wine down with ice cubes? Use frozen grapes for chilling instead.

21. A screwdriver is all you need to top the oil in your car.
