According to consumer experts at Clark, by shopping at Aldi, customers can save up to 33 percent off traditional supermarket prices and up to 20 percent off Walmart prices. To help you learn more about money-saving tricks at Aldi, we’ve gathered 12 best shopping secrets only those loyal Aldi customers know.
1. Go Shopping On Wednesday For The Best Deals

Wednesday is Aldi Finds Day. Employees will place seasonal products on the shelves at very tempting prices as soon as the store opens. So make sure you head there as early as possible in the morning if you want to score the best deals on Aldi’s products, or you won’t be able to grab all of your groceries before the rush.
2. Boxes Kept For Certain Reasons

Have you ever noticed that there are always lots of boxes on Aldi’s shelves? In fact, it has nothing to do with the employees being lazy. The boxes that store the items at Aldi are specifically designed for their store. It’s easy to rip off the top of the box and place it on the shelf, making it quick and convenient to stock the shelves. Plus if you’ve forgotten to bring shopping bags with you, you can easily find an empty box to take your groceries home instead of buying one.
3. Find Extraordinary Deals On Baked Goods

Aldi will mark loaves of bread and other baked goods down to 50 percent off, about five days before they are set to expire. Five days are usually enough for you to enjoy the bread, and it will be pretty much as good as new if you pop it in the oven. The more important thing is that Aldi’s store-brand bread costs only 83 cents for a 20-ounce package, while Kroger’s store-brand bread costs $1.19 for the same size. That’s a ton of savings!
4. Better Deals On Produce Than Anywhere Else

As stated by consumer savings brand Clark, Aldi typically has the cheapest produce amongst all other grocery retailers. An avocado costs just 39 cents at Aldi, while you have to spend one dollar at most grocery stores. Similarly, Aldi bananas cost only 24 cents per pound, while Kroger bananas cost 55 cents per pound.
5. Avoid The Toiletries Aisle

Although Aldi is good at the whole low-cost grocery thing, their deals haven’t extended to the toiletries aisle yet. They commonly stock name-brand instead of the generic brands the store specializes in, which means that Aldi rarely puts toiletries on sale. You’re better off purchasing your personal care items at places like Walmart and Amazon who frequently offer deals and coupons on toiletries.
6. Employees With Amazing Customer Service Skills

Aldi’s employees don’t just work at the store. Most of them are also loyal customers of the chain, therefore, they know the products even better than those who are seasoned consumers. While all stores and supermarkets promote their service skills, Aldi’s employees go above and beyond. If you are hesitating to buy something, just find an employee and ask what he or she thinks!
7. Borrow A Quarter For Your Shopping Cart

The use of Aldi’s shopping carts is one of their unique features. Fans of Aldi know to bring a quarter to use a cart when they go shopping. But if you forget your change, there’s no need to go all the way home. Just ask an employee at the register to borrow a quarter, and they’ll be glad to help you.
8. Give Foods Back To The Community Instead Of Wasting

Food waste is a scourge of modern society. The fact that tons of food are thrown away is common in restaurants and grocery stores, but not at Aldi. The chain works hard to give back to the community and is in partnership with the non-profit organization Feeding America, to which Aldi donates the leftover food that has not been sold each day. What a nice gesture!
9. Get Money Back By Using Checkout51

Although Aldi doesn’t use the most popular cashback app Ibotta, it allows customers to use Checkout51, which is also a cashback application that functions in the same way but incorporates Aldi purchases. Download it and save your favorite offers to your shopping list, and then upload a copy of your receipt to earn money as you shop.
10. Snag The Award-winning Wine

Wines sold at grocery stores are always underwhelming, but we highly recommend that you try the ones at Aldi. Their Exquisite Collection Côtes de Provence Rosé costs only $8, but it won the International Wine Challenge’s Great Value Award in a blind taste test. Remember to buy one when you’re at Aldi next time.
11. Wonderful Deliver Services

Even if you can’t get to the store, you can still buy nice and cheap groceries at Aldi. The chain has a partnership with Instacart, so the customers can order whatever they want through Instacart and have it delivered straight to their door. The time-saving solution is provided in Dallas, Atlanta, and Los Angeles now.
12. Going Gluten-free Is Easy At Aldi

Trying to go gluten-free but can’t tell what you can and can’t eat? Aldi can make going gluten-free quite easy with a huge selection of gluten-free and organic foods. Their natural or organic line is called Simply Natural and the gluten-free foods are under the live gFree line. The chain does measure up to Walmart’s gluten-free prowess, offering various options for those who want to spiff up their diet on a budget.